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Management for Sustainability of Water and Environmental Sanitation Programmes []
à Nairobi (Kenya)
Durée: 2 semaines
(formation annuelle)
Page web:
Objectives: Enable participants, through interdisciplinary problem analysis and formulation of objectives, to identify key management and sustainability issues.
Upgrade knowledge on up-to-date approaches to issues like demand responsiveness, community management, operation and maintenance (O&M), and monitoring, ensuring sustained functioning and use of facilities.
Build participants’ skills in project planning, managernent and facilitation.
Encourage participants to apply acquired knowledge and skills in their own context.
Provide access to information.
Coût: The course fee is US $1480 per participant. This will cover tuition, course file, books and field trip.
Suitable for policy level management, district /provincial operations and project manager/officers.
Mots-Clefs: environnement et études d'impact , gestion de la ressource en eau
International Network for water and sanitation international
Magadi Rd, Off Langata Rd.
P.O. Box 15614
0053   Nairobi
Tél: +254 2 890555/6/7
Fax: +254 2 890553/4
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