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Participatory Methods in Planning and Management of Water and Environmental Sanitation Projects/Programmes []
à Nairobi (Kenya)
Durée: 2 semaines
(formation annuelle)
Page web:
Objectives: The course will aim not to teach, but to stimulate and realize (through a combination of skills, the promotion of teamwork and a positive learning environment) the creative energy of participants in the process of addressing community needs and problems. Specifically:

Introduce participants to a variety of participatory methods that are applicable and effective during participatory planning/re-planning and management of WES Programs and projects.
To improve skills in the use of participatory methods especially combining and inter-linking them at various stages of the life of the project/ Programme.
To enable participants appreciate the basic principles of participatory methodologies and how to apply these principles in the field
To close social and communication barriers existing between agencies and communities especially during planning/re-planning phase.
Encourage participants to apply acquired knowledge and skills in their own context through the development of individual/group action plans.
Coût: The course fee is US $1480 per participant. This will cover tuition, course file, books and field trip.
Suitable for staff involved in planning rural WES programmes.
Mots-Clefs: environnement et études d'impact , gestion de la ressource en eau
International Network for water and sanitation international
Magadi Rd, Off Langata Rd.
P.O. Box 15614
0053   Nairobi
Tél: +254 2 890555/6/7
Fax: +254 2 890553/4
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