à Delft (Pays Bas) Durée: 3 weeks (formation annuelle) Page web:http://www.ihe.nl/index.php/education/short_courses/regular_short_courses/cleaner_production_and_the_water_cycle |
Objectives: The short course on Cleaner Production and the Water Cycle introduces the concept of Cleaner Production in the context of the water cycle in general and water management in particular. The module focuses on the careful use of the resource water and brings in various tools that can aid saving water. Participants will be able to answer: -what steps can be taken to conserve water in the domestic context? -how can the benefit to the environment be determined when substituting one process or process component by another? -how can a systematic environmental management approach contribute to better environmental management in an industry, meaning less resources and/or less water wasted? -how can environmental considerations in the design stage contribute to better environmental performance in the use phase? -how can minimizing the generation of waste contribute to better water quality? |
Coût: 2040€ | ||
Public: The module on Cleaner Production and the Water Cycle is directed at engineers and scientists working in the urban or industrial water field and wanting to have a better grasp at the efficient dealing with water. As such the module is of interest to engineers and scientists in the fields of urban, municipal and industrial sanitation, water-related chemistry, biologists, water resources, process design and implementation, etc. |
Mots-Clefs: distribution d'eau potable , formation à distance , qualité des eaux | ||
• Institute for Water Education Westvest 7 P.O. Box 3015 2601 DA Delft Fax: 31 15 212 29 21 http://www.ihe.nl |