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Water Transport and Distribution
Date et lieu:
01 Jan 70 ==> 01 Jan 70  à  Delft (Pays Bas)  
Durée: 4 mois
(formation annuelle)
Page web:
The main objectives of the module are to introduce the basics of planning, hydraulic- and engineering design, construction, operation & maintenance of water transport and distribution systems. At the end of the course, the participant should be able to decide on the main planning elements of these systems, namely designing demands, pressures, velocities and gradients. Furthermore, he/she should fully understand the steady-state hydraulics, be able to choose adequate supplying schemes, to suggest a network layout, main components and pipe materials, be able to distinguish between various operational modes and finally, be able to judge technical solutions dealing with the system maintenance, rehabilitation, and expansion.
The target group for this programme comprises mid-career professionals dealing with technical aspects of drinking water transport & distribution, working for municipal assemblies, water supply companies or consulting bureaus. They should possess a BSc degree in Civil Engineering or similar technical background, have basic PC-computer knowledge and a good command of the English language.
distribution d'eau potable
Formation à distance

IHE   Institute for Water Education
Westvest 7
P.O. Box 3015
2601 DA   Delft
Pays Bas
Fax: 31 15 212 29 21
est partenaire

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