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Hilmy Sally
Independent consultant
(Consultant indépendant)
BSc Honours (Civil Engineering); MEng (Water Resources Development); Dr Ing (Mecanique)
portable: +94777340801
courriel2: hilmy.sally[à]
courriel3: hilmy.sally[à]
C.V.: sally_hilmy_cv_2011.pdf


       1. Institutional and organizational
          1.c. Targeting of projects / impacts on extreme poverty
          Professional training
       5. Sanitation technologies
          5.e. Reutilization of wastewater
       6. Health impacts
       7. Water resources (IWRM, trans-border, preservation)
          7.a. Trans-border aquifers
       10. Water and agriculture


- Analysis of water delivery performance of smallholder irrigation schemes in Ethiopia: Diversity and lessons across schemes, typologies and reaches - (Feb 2016)