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John Butterworth
Country Director


- Assessing mutual accountability to strengthen national WASH systems and achieve the SDG targets for water and sanitation - (Jun 2022)
- Self-supply: Filling the gaps in public water supply provision - (Mar 2021)
- WASH services in small towns - (Apr 2015)
- Climate change and WASH services delivery – Is improved WASH governance the key to effective mitigation and adaptation? - (Mar 2009)
- La gestion intégrée des ressources en eau - (Jun 2007)
- L'utilisation productive de l'alimentation en eau à usage domestique - (Jun 2007)
- Peri-urban Water Conflicts - (Jan 2007)

Publications of the organization
- Sustaining Rural Water: A Comparative Study of Maintenance Models for Community-Managed Schemes - (Jul 2019)