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Rim Saad
M2 Hydro sciences - LU


- Lifecycle assessment of solar pumping for pumping stations in Bekaa - (Jan 2022)

Autres experts de l'organisme
Hassan  Ayoub - Naji  Kehdy

Publications de l'organisme
- Climate change impacts on flood risks in the Abou Ali River Basin, Lebanon: A hydrological modeling approach - (Jan 2025)
- Assessment of the Characteristics of the Municipal Solid Waste Compost in Lebanon - (May 2024)
- Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Mediterranean region: A meta-analysis - (Dec 2022)
- Evaluation of the ecological quality of the Al-Ostuan River and statistical study of the socio-economic status - (Nov 2022)
- Characterization and monitoring of water quality in Lebanon - Review of thesis conducted in Lebanese University - (Jan 2020)
- Leakage reduction in water supply system through the adjustment of its hydraulic efficiency - (Jan 2019)
- Study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in sediments and waters in Northern Lebanon: Rivers, transition zones and port sites - (Sep 2018)
- Assessment of trace metals contamination in surficial sediments along Lebanese Coastal Zone - (Jun 2018)
- Alkylphenols and Alkylphenol Polyethoxylates levels in a Mediterranean developing country context: contamination of rivers and coastal sediments - (Apr 2018)
- Etude, Conception et Réalisation d'un système de 135 kWc de pompage d'eau solaire Photovoltaïque à Babliyeh-Liban - (Feb 2017)
- Preferred Practices Techniques to Treat Greywater in Arab Countries for an Ablution Water Treatment Unit - (Dec 2016)
- Revue libanaise de géographie - (Jan 2016)
- Caractérisation des eaux usées au Liban : impact sur le fonctionnement des stations d'épuration - (Mar 2015)
- Organic pollution in surficial sediments of Tripoli harbour, Lebanon - (Jan 2015)
- Study of contamination of water and sediments by pesticides - (Jun 2014)
- Study of mercury contamination in aquatic environments: Biogeochemical fate and behavior, development of mercury trace analysis methods - (Oct 2013)
- Exposure assessment of organic contaminants in Mediterranean transition zones - (Sep 2012)
- Hydrogeology and Contamination of the Basin of Tripoli -Abstract - (Mar 2012)
- Determination of pesticides, Nitrates and Nitrites level in Groundwater of Akkar plain in Northen Lebanon - (Jan 2012)
- Environmental impact of discharges into the Mediterranean Sea of ​​effluents from thermal power plants in Lebanon - (Jun 2009)
- Water Quality Management in Tripoli - Lebanon - (Jun 2004)
- Saline contamination in groundwater of Akkar plain in Lebanon - (Feb 2002)
- Cytotoxic and chemical analysis of spring water from North Lebanon - (Oct 2000)
- Characteristics of water resources in the Akkar plateaus in northern Lebanon - (Jan 1999)
- Nitrates contamination of groundwater in the Akkar plain in northern Lebanon - (Jan 1999)