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Monica Ramos
(Global WASH Cluster Coordinator)


- Does targeting children with hygiene promotion messages work? The effect of handwashing promotion targeted at children, on diarrhoea, soil-transmitted helminth infections and behaviour change, in low- and middle-income countries - (Mar 2017)
- Wash in emergencies : Handwashing - (Jan 2016)

Publications de l'organisme
- WASH Safety and Accessibility Toolkit - (Apr 2023)
- COVID-19 and WASH: Mitigating the socio-economic impacts on the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector - (May 2020)
- eCompendium solutions d'assainissement en situation d'urgence - (May 2020)
- Emergency Sanitation Guidelines - (Apr 2019)
- Guidance on Market-Based Programming for Humanitarian WASH Practitioners - (Apr 2019)
- Compendium des technologies d'assainissement dans les situations d'urgence - (Apr 2018)
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Coordination Handbook - (Jan 2009)