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Water supply and wastewater systems master plan

law, code May 2015 ; 47 pages ,
Ed. BWE - Zahlé USAID - Antelias
Downloadable format: PdF (5 880 ko) PdF (5 550 ko)
   Inception report    Irrigation assessment report    Water assessment report    Water capital investment plan and priority action plan    Wastewater assessment report    Wastewater capital investment plan & priority action plan Abstract:
As part of the USAID – Lebanon Water & Wastewater Sector Support Program (LWWSS),
KREDO was commissioned by DAI to develop a Water Supply and Wastewater Systems
Master Plan within the Service Area of the BekaaWater Establishment for the planning horizon
of 2035. A detailed assessment of the existing situation was carried out and Capital Investment
Plans and Priority Action Plans for water supply and wastewater systems were developed to
provide full service to the population of the Bekaa which was projected to reach 1.5 million
residents in 2035. All technical recommendations were aligned with the National Water Sector
Strategy adopted by the Lebanese Government and proposed works were optimized to reduce
operation &maintenance and energy costs. Detailed cost estimates were developed by project
components, types of work and cazas.

Target Audience:

All public


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , access to water (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


BWE - Bekaa Water Establishment - Zahlé - Lebanon

USAID - US Agency for International Development - Antelias - Lebanon

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