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Technical review: practical guidelines for test pumping in water wells

book coll. Reference Jan 2011 ; 104 pages
Aut. Richard Boak
Ed. CICR - Genève
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Editor Presentation
   Revue Technique: Guide pratique pour les essais de pompage de puits Abstract:
The practical guidelines for test pumping presented in this publication reflect years of hands-on experience in borehole operation in both rural and urban settings, from Africa to the Middle East and Asia.
In the water-stressed regions beset by armed conflict or rife with tension where ICRC engineers work, groundwater is the most suitable source of drinking water. A good understanding of borehole technology, along with a comprehensive analysis of the local situation that places human dignity and the needs of the community at the forefront while addressing wider environmental concerns, is a key element of any successful operation providing people with sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

Target Audience:

Engineer, designer


deep well (CI) (DT) (ET) , technology (CI) (DT) (ET)


CICR - Comité international de la Croix Rouge - Genève - Switzerland

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