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Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing

Guide d’introduction au marketing de l’assainissement
WSP Scaling Up Rural Sanitation
guide Sep 2011 ; 66 pages
Aut. Jacqueline Devine & Craig Kullmann
Ed. WSP - Washington
Downloadable format: PdF (4 210 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
   on-line: Sanitation Marketing Toolkit    French version: Guide d’introduction au marketing de l’assainissement Résumé:
Le marketing de l’assainissement est un nouveau champ d’activité comportant peu de professionnels formés par une méthode d’apprentissage basée sur la pratique.
La boîte à outils en ligne comprend des outils dans le domaine des programmes du marketing de l’assainissement en milieu rural à grande échelle en partageant des conseils pratiques sur la conception, la mise en œuvre et le suivi de programmes à grande échelle réalisés en Inde, Indonésie et Tanzanie, et de projets additionnels mis en œuvre au Cambodge et au Pérou.
Sanitation marketing is an emerging field with great promise to improve access and use of sanitation products and services. This toolkit and its print companion, Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing, offer practitioners and program managers suggestions based on WSP’s experience implementing sanitation marketing in a range of diverse geographic, cultural, and political settings.
Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing, available online as a PDF and in hard copy, is organized into chapters, with each chapter covering a key component.
Conducting Formative Research describes how to undertake this critical first step of any sanitation marketing program;
Developing a Marketing Strategy focuses on the Four Ps of marketing;
Developing a Communication Campaign provides details on how to develop a communication campaign with the assistance of an advertising agency;
and Implementation explores the roles and responsibilities of government, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), private sector firms, and civil society, with suggestions for procurement, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation, and timelines.


finance (CI) (DT) (ET) , market-based sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , rural (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET)


WSP - Water and Sanitation Program - Washington - Usa

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