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Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030

report Oct 2021 ; 68 pages
Aut. Rob Hope & Duncan McNicholl & Saskia Nowicki & Katrina Charles & Kristina Nilsson
Ed. REACH - Châteleine RWSN - Saint Gallen Uptime - Oxford
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Editor Presentation
This report documents a global diagnostic survey to evaluate the status and prospects of rural water service
providers from 68 countries. The service providers describe providing drinking water services to a population of around 15 million people through over 3 million waterpoints.

The data provides information on the scale and sustainability of rural water services to examine:
• The extent and type of professional water service provision in rural areas globally;
• Self-reported metrics of operational and financial performance; and,
• The size and scope of current rural service providers that could transition to resultsbased funding.

Five major findings emerge.
First, most service providers aim to repair broken
infrastructure in three days or less.
Second, almost all service providers reported at least one type of water safety activity.
Third, most service providers collect payments for water services. Fourth, about one third of service providers reported major negative shocks to their operations from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fifth, non-governmental service providers in low income countries less often report receiving subsidies for operations, and more often report paying part of user fees to government, including through taxes.

Most rural water service providers are working towards provision of affordable, safe and reliable drinking water services. Key barriers to progress include sustainable funding and delivery of services at scale. We propose four conditions to promote scale and sustainability based on policy alignment, public finance, professional service delivery, and verifiable data.


access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , operators (CI) (DT) (ET) , water distribution (CI) (DT) (ET)


REACH - Châteleine - Switzerland

RWSN - Rural Water Supply Network - Saint Gallen - Switzerland

Uptime - Oxford - United Kingdom

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