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La santé et l'hygiène menstruelles pour les filles et les femmes handicapées

Menstrual health & hygiene for girls and women with disabilities
position paper Jan 2021 ; 4 pages
Ed. UNICEF - New York
Downloadable format: PdF (1 000 ko) PdF (950 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
La présente fiche de conseils offre un cadre d’action pour l’appui à la santé et à l’hygiène menstruelles (SHM) ainsi que des pistes concrètes en vue de répondre aux besoins des personnes ayant des menstruations qui sont handicapées.
Menstruation is a natural fact of life and a monthly occurrence for 1.8 billion girls and women of reproductive age. Yet millions of menstruators across the world are denied the right to manage their monthly menstrual cycle in a dignified, healthy way. Girls and women with disabilities face even greater challenges in managing their menstruation hygienically and with dignity, often facing a double stigma due to both social norms around gender and menstruation and having a disability. This tip sheet offers a framework for supporting menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) and practical entry points for meeting the needs of menstruators with disabilities.


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , disability (CI) (DT) (ET) , menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNICEF - New York - Usa

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