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The impact of Syrian refugees on Jordan's water resources and water management planning

thesis May 2014 ; 36 pages
Aut. Aleena Farishta
Columbia University - Palisades
Downloadable format: PdF (1 910 ko)
This thesis questioned how a water resource-scarce country will plan sustainably for its future without acknowledgement from the Jordanian government of the refugee capacity problem. Focusing on Jordan’s water resources, this thesis evaluated what kind of impact the influx of Syrian refugees will have on the water sector.
By analyzing literature on water management planning in Jordan and case studies of refugee planning, conducting a water budget analysis prior to the refugee influx and aft er the influx, and carrying out interviews with water and refugee planners in Jordan, this thesis discussed recommendations to plan for the refugees in a manner which will reduce the stress on Jordan’s water resources.


humanitarian (CI) (DT) (ET) , management of water resources (CI) (DT) (ET)


Jordan (CI) (DT) (ET)


Columbia University - Palisades - Usa

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