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Introduction of Consumption-based water-wastewater tariffs in Lebanon - Final Summary Report

report Jun 2021 ; 17 pages
Ed. Oxfam - Beirut
Downloadable format: PdF (1 550 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
   Survey Report    Strategy and Recommendation Report Résumé:
This report is the last of three documents exploring the results of a study mandated by OXFAM and conducted by EDESSA and ECA, under the H2ALL consortium project funded by the European Union. This study aimed to “provide a critical foundation from which to build future work on developing an overall strategy for water-wastewater restructuring/introduction of a consumption-based water-wastewater tariff”. The final summary report assesses the current situation and potential evolutions of tariffs setting and stakeholders engagement, based on the results of the survey and case studies.


costs, tariffs (CI) (DT) (ET) , evaluation, impact (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


Oxfam - Beirut - Lebanon

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