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Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy (2019-2030)

law, code , decision support instrument Jan 2019 ; 42 pages
Ed. MOH - Nairobi
Downloadable format: PdF (680 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
The Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy is an outcome of a situation analysis done as a precursor to its formulation. The Situational Analysis revealed gaps in knowledge about menstruation, compounded by taboos, myths, stigma surrounding the normal biological process of menstruation. This policy takes cognizance of devolution of sanitation functions and services to the 47 county governments in Kenya. As a result of nationwide consultations and validation meetings, this new policy takes a rights-based approach and redirects our efforts towards achieving the Kenya Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Further, this policy seeks to ensure that myths, taboos and stigma around menstruation are addressed by providing women, girls, men and boys with information on menstruation. This knowledge will facilitate in breaking the silence around menstruation, ensure that women and girls menstruate in a safe and hygienic environment and that menstrual waste is properly disposed.
Finally, it is envisaged that this policy will provide a critical reference to all agencies, both public and private that are, or will be, actively working towards achieving SDG 6.2 by ensuring that by 2030, Kenya pays special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations through Menstrual management focused interventions. To ensure its effective execution, a Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Management Strategy has been prepared.


gender (CI) (DT) (ET) , menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


Kenya (CI) (DT) (ET)


MOH - Ministry of Health - Nairobi - Kenya

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