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Water-Energy Nexus of Water and Wastewater Services in Lebanon

slide show powerpoint Feb 2021 ; 33 pages
Aut. Marc Ayoub
Ed. AUB - Beirut
Downloadable format: PdF (3 030 ko)
Project goals
• Examine the role of energy, particularly electricity, in Lebanon’s water and wastewater service provision.
• Investigate the associated legal, social, environmental and economic aspects alongside with the existing legal, policy and institutional frameworks pertaining to the water, wastewater and energy sectors.
• Analyze the potential of and obstacles to mainstreaming energy efficiency, particularly renewable energy, in the water and wastewater sectors.
• Propose a national roadmap for improved energy efficiency in the water and wastewater sector.

Target Audience:

Local and national decision makers


water-energy nexus (CI) (DT) (ET)


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


AUB - Université Américaine de Beyrouth - Beirut - Lebanon

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