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Contributions of recycled wastewater to clean water and sanitation Sustainable Development Goals

article Apr 2020 ; 22 pages
Aut. Cecilia Tortajada
Ed. Nature International Journal of Science - London
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Water scarcity, due to physical lack or pollution, has become one of the most pressing issues globally, a matter of human, economic and environmental insecurity. Wastewater, whose value had not been appreciated until recently, is increasingly recognised as a potential ‘new’ source of clean water for potable and non-potable uses, resulting in social, environmental and economic benefits. This paper discusses the potential of recycled wastewater (also known as reused water) to become a significant source of safe water for drinking purposes and improved sanitation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.


SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastewater reuse (CI) (DT) (ET)


Nature International Journal of Science - Nature Research - London - United Kingdom

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