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The determinants of handwashing behaviour in domestic settings: An integrative systematic review

article Jul 2020 ; 14 pages
Aut. Sian White & Robert Dreibelbis & Valerie Curtis & Astrid Hasund Thorseth
Ed. ScienceDirect - Amsterdam
Downloadable format: PdF (6 310 ko)
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Editor Presentation
This review demonstrates that our understanding of behavioural determinants remains sub-optimal. We found that there are limitations in the way behavioural determinants are conceptualised and measured and that research is biased towards exploring a narrow range of behavioural determinants. Hygiene promotion programmes are likely to be most successful if they use multi-modal approaches, combining infrastructural improvement with ‘soft’ hygiene promotion which addresses a range of determinants rather than just education about disease transmission.


hand washing, soap (CI) (DT) (ET)


ScienceDirect - Elsevier - Amsterdam - Netherlands

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