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Applying WASH systems approaches in fragile contexts: A discussion paper

rapport Sep 2020 ; 99 pages
Aut. Will Tillett & David De Armey & Juliane Schillinger & Joanna Trevor
Ed. Aguaconsult - Wivenhoe OXFAM UK - Oxford Water for Good - Winona Lake
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (17 780 ko)
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This paper builds on related work in the sector on WASH in fragile contexts and on nexus issues and seeks to add value through applying a systems lens.
It is based on the experience of the authors and a number of actors working in fragile contexts, with a mixture of theory and practical case study examples and reflections from 8 INGOs and UNHCR, augmented by a review of relevant sector literature.
It is a discussion and practice paper seeking to deepen sector thinking and dialogue on applying WASH systems approaches in fragile contexts, and more broadly in integrating aspects of resilience into systems thinking.
While this paper focuses on fragile contexts, it highlights the issue of mainstreaming preparedness and resilience into WASH systems approaches, which is not a topic relevant for fragile states alone.

Mots clefs:

accès à l'assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , accès à l'eau (CI) (DT) (OP) , humanitaire, urgentiste (CI) (DT) (OP) , population à faible revenus (CI) (DT) (OP)


Aguaconsult - Wivenhoe - Royaume Uni

OXFAM UK - OXFAM United Kingdom & Ireland - Oxford - Royaume Uni

Water for Good - Winona Lake - Etats Unis

Join For Water - Gent - Belgique

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