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Managing Menstruation in Rural Bangladesh

video streaming ; Duration: 8 min. ,
Ed. Old Fan Films - Pittsburgh
Downloadable from the publisher
Whether you live in South America, Africa, Europe or Asia, all women undergo a natural experience that signifies their transition from a childhood to adulthood. It may have different cultural significance, and women have a variety of different experiences, but menstruation is a biological event that women around the world share.
Menstruation is a cyclic period each month when a women's body discharges blood and mucosal tissues from the non-pregnant uterus. Menstruation usually occurs once a month, but the pattern and extent of bleeding can vary from woman to woman.
The embarrassment surrounding menstruation is a universal phenomenon, found in most cultures of the world. To properly prepare girls for this event and to ease this transition there is a need to understand how they manage their menstruation and related implications despite the harsh and unfavorable environment. To try to get at least a partial understanding of these questions we traveled to a school in Mymensingh, Bangladesh to gather perspectives from adolescent girls.


menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


Bangladesh (CI) (DT) (ET)


Old Fan Films - Pittsburgh - Usa

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