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A guide to menstrual management for school girls

document pédagogique écrit , guide Jan 2011 ; 13 pages
Aut. Annie Kanyemba
Ed. NETWAS - Kampala SEI - Stockholm
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (1 730 ko)
This booklet has been written to help school girls manage the critical period when they enter adolescence between the ages of 10 and 14. Adolescence is the time during which boys and girls grow from childhood into adulthood and changes take place in their bodies. During this period, known as puberty, menstruation starts in girls. We believe this booklet will help in breaking stigma associated with menstruation among school girls. School Management Committees, School Heath Clubs, science and senior women teachers are all encouraged to support the girl child to understand and cope with having menses in school.


6ème - 5ème , 4ème - 3ème , Lycée , Enseignant , Animateur/Educateur , Acteurs de coopération , Santé (professionnels de la)

Mots clefs:

école (CI) (DT) (OP) , hygiène menstruelle (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Ouganda (CI) (DT) (OP)


NETWAS - International Network for water and sanitation international - Kampala - Ouganda

SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute - Stockholm - Suède

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