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Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management

book Jan 2013 ; 384 pages
Aut. Bob Boulware
Ed. McGraw-Hill Education - New York ; Isbn: 978-0-07-171951-3
Editor Presentation
The definitive guide to alternative water sources and wastewater solutions. This timely volume discusses alternative water sources and waste disposal methods that are appropriate when traditional means and methods do not exist or are inadequate. Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management presents a variety of innovative concepts that are being researched, developed, and implemented worldwide. Featuring detailed illustrations, an eight-page color insert, current examples, statistics, and calculations, this book provides the vital information needed to address the rapidly increasing global demand for clean water.
1 Introduction
2 Water from Springs
3 Air Conditioning Condensate Recovery
4 Harvesting Water from Dew
5 Water Gathered from Clouds
6 Glacier Water Reclaim
7 Harvesting the Rain
8 Solar Water Distillation1
9 Graywater Systems
10 Managing Water Quality
11 Artificial Groundwater Recharge
12 Aquatic Plants as a Waste Management System
13 Biological Filter and Constructed Wetland Systems
14 Blackwater Recycling1
15 Septic System Design
16 Latrines and Privies
17 Composting Toilets
18 Net Zero Water


drinking water (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastewater reuse (CI) (DT) (ET)


McGraw-Hill Education - New York - Usa

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