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Results of Round II of the WHO International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies

Résultats de l'Evaluation 2 du Plan international de l'OMS pour l'évaluation des technologies de traitement de l'eau à domicile
report Jul 2019 ; 80 pages
Ed. WHO - Genève
Downloadable format: PdF (4 290 ko)
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Editor Presentation
   Results of round 1 of the WHO International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies Abstract:
Since the establishment of the International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies (the Scheme) in 2014, WHO has been independently evaluating the microbiological performance of household water treatment (HWT) technologies in order to inform technology selection and thus protect health. This Round II report summarizes the results of 20 HWT products, including chemical, solar and ultraviolet (UV) disinfectants, and ceramic and membrane filters that have been evaluated under the Scheme.
Building on the 10 products evaluated in Round I, a total of 30 products have been evaluated to date, and of these, 23 meet WHO performance criteria. The report highlights that among the products that do not meet WHO criteria, performance varies widely across production lots, underscoring the need to strengthen manufacturing quality.


potabilisation (CI) (DT) (ET)


WHO - World Health Organization - Genève - Switzerland

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