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Thomas & Friends on Clean Water & Sanitation - Goal #6

cartoon Sep 2018 ; Duration: 3 min.
Ed. WCYDo? -
Downloadable from the publisher
What is the Goal?
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

What is My Child Learning?
Healthy habits – personal hygiene
Science – matter & energy
Safety practices
Understanding consequences of behavior

Conversation Starters
What ways of using water did Thomas see?
How do we use water?
Where does water come from?
What happens if our water is dirty?
Why do we need to wash our hands (our clothes, our faces, etc.)?

Playful Learning
Experiment with cleaning water! You’ll need a coffee filter, sand, a jar and a bottle with dirty water. Make up some muddy water. Next talk about how this water probably would not taste very good. Explain how some children may not have clean water to drink. Clean the water. Have your child place the coffee filter and sand (covering the bottom of the filter) over an empty glass jar. Next, have your child slowly pour the dirty water into the jar through the filter. How does the filtered water look? Do you need to clean it again or is it clear enough to drink?

For younger children, help them pour the water and assist in making the muddy water.

For older children, test different types of filters such as gravel, paper t


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (CI) (DT) (ET)


WCYDo? - What Can YOU Do? - - Usa

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