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The Leak Squad: preserving water in Madagascar

film video internet Jun 2019 ; Durée: 3 min. ,
Ed. USAID - Antananarivo WSUP - Antananarivo
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Take a look at how the leak detection team at JIRAMA, the national water utility in Madagascar, is at the forefront of preserving Antananarivo's most precious resource.
In Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital city, a broken pipe has been reported in Alasora By-Pass. Nearly 350 residents do not have access to water because of this burst pipe.
Enter the Leak Squad – the crew responsible for fixing leaks and preserving this precious resource. Can they get water running again for the community?

Mots clefs:

distribution d'eau potable (CI) (DT) (OP) , maintenance, entretien (CI) (DT) (OP) , métier - profession (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Madagascar (CI) (DT) (OP)


USAID - United States Agency for International Development - Antananarivo - Madagascar

WSUP - Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor - Antananarivo - Madagascar

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