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Building strong WASH systems for the SDGs : Understanding the WASH system and its building blocks

textbook Jun 2018 ; 40 pages
Aut. Patrick Moriarty
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
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Editor Presentation
Cet article présente un ensemble de neuf éléments constitutifs des systèmes WASH destinés à réduire la complexité à un niveau gérable, permettant et soutenant l'action. En évaluant l'état de chacune des composantes de base et des liens entre elles, les praticiens WASH peuvent identifier les points faibles et cibler leurs interventions pour un meilleur effet.
This article presents a set of nine components of WASH systems designed to reduce complexity to a manageable level, enabling and supporting action. By assessing the state of each of the building blocks and the links between them, WASH practitioners can identify weaknesses and target their interventions for better impact
Executive summary
1. Introduction
1.1. Objectives, scope and audience
1.2. Structure of the paper
1.3. Background to IRC’s WASH systems praxis
2. Systems approaches and WASH
2.1. Complex adaptive systems
2.2. Leverage points and outcomes
2.3. Actors and factors
2.4. Boundaries and scale
2.5. Systems for WASH service delivery
2.6. The concept of building blocks
2.7. The WASH system in context
3. The nine building blocks, defined
3.1. Institutions
3.2. Policy and legislation
3.3. Finance
3.4. Regulation and accountability
3.5. Monitoring
3.6. Planning
3.7. Infrastructure
3.8. Water resource management
3.9. Learning and adaptation
4. Applying the building blocks
5. Next steps
6. References and resources
6.1. Literature cited
6.2. Tools and references, by building block


hydraulic structure (CI) (DT) (ET)


IRC - Den Haag - Netherlands

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