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Drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools

report Dec 2018 ; 84 pages
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
Downloadable format: PdF (14 460 ko) PdF (13 280 ko)
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Editor Presentation
Ce rapport constitue la première évaluation globale complète de l’accès à l'eau, l'assainissement et l'hygiène dans les écoles et établit la situation de référence pour la période ODD.
This report is the first comprehensive global assessment of WASH in schools and establishes a baseline for the SDG period. According to the report, in 2016, 69% of schools globally had a basic drinking water service and 66% had a basic sanitation service, but only 53% had basic hygiene services.
Drinking water in schools
Sanitation in schools
Hygiene in schools
The 2030 vision for WASH in schools
The new JMP service ladders for WASH in schools
Basic WASH in schools
Basic drinking water services in schools
Basic sanitation services in schools
Basic hygiene services in schools
Effective learning environments for all
Inequalities in access to basic WASH in schools
Pre-primary, primary and secondary school levels
Urban, rural and peri-urban schools
Sub-national regions
Public, private and other types of school
Universal access to WASH at home and in schools
Enhanced monitoring and advanced service levels Defining advanced service levels for WASH in schools
Accessibility of WASH in schools
Availability of WASH in schools
Quality of WASH in schools
Acceptability of WASH in schools

Extending basic WASH services to all schools
Progressively improving WASH services in schools
Harmonizing definitions and addressing data gaps
Annex 1: JMP methods
Annex 2: Regional groupings
Annex 3: National WASH in schools estimates
Annex 4: Regional and global WASH in schools estimates


drinking water (CI) (DT) (ET) , hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , school (CI) (DT) (ET) , SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNICEF - New York - Usa

WHO - World Health Organization - Genève - Switzerland

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