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Community engagement in sanitation : a landscape review

report Aug 2018 ; 32 pages
Ed. Elrha - Cardiff OXFAM UK - Oxford
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En dépit de son importance perçue, l'expérience montre que l'engagement communautaire dans tous les secteurs de l'intervention humanitaire est souvent limité et rarement suivi ou évalué. Les projets d'assainissement peuvent impliquer la communauté uniquement dans la phase de construction en tant que main-d'œuvre rémunérée ou pour des initiatives type « cash-for-work ». Le présent rapport présente un examen de pratiques et initiatives existantes en matière d'engagement communautaire, qui pourraient être utilisées pour mieux intégrer l'engagement communautaire dans les premières étapes des interventions d’urgences à déclenchement rapide.
Despite its perceived importance, the evidence suggests that community engagement in all sectors of humanitarian response is often limited and rarely monitored or evaluated. Sanitation projects may involve the community only in the construction phase as a paid labour force, or as a cash-for-work initiative.

In 2017, Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) launched a challenge ‘to understand how to design, implement, and evaluate approaches to user-centred sanitation that incorporate rapid community engagement and are appropriate for the first stage of rapid-onset emergencies’ (defined as the first twelve weeks post crisis). A component of this challenge involved undertaking a landscape review of existing community engagement practice and approaches that could be used to provide a background resource for Challenge participants. The review was carried out by Oxfam, the HIF’s Research and Evaluation Partner for the project. It draws on published and grey literature and interviews with 15 key informants.
1 Introduction
2 What is community engagement?
3 What has been tried?
4 Timing and phasing
5 What didn’t work and why?
6 Challenges and constraints
7 Monitoring & evaluation of community engagement in sanitation
8 Costs and cost-effectiveness
9 Conclusions


humanitarian (CI) (DT) (ET) , management: community (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Elrha - Cardiff - United Kingdom

OXFAM UK - OXFAM United Kingdom & Ireland - Oxford - United Kingdom

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