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Resource Recovery and Reuse Series 02 - Technological Options for Safe Resource Recovery from Fecal Sludge

report coll. RRR Resource Recovery and Reuse Series n° 2 Apr 2014 ; 52 pages
Aut. Josiane Nikiema & Olufunke Cofie & Robert Impraim
Ed. CGIAR - Colombo IWMI - Colombo ; Isbn: 978-92-9090-804-3
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Editor Presentation
In two Resource Recovery and Reuse reports the following technical options are covered:
- Options to recover nutrient rich solids from liquid fecal sludge. This includes thickening systems and dewatering systems and how to adjust the moisture and content.
- Processes for liquid effluent treatment such as waste stabilization ponds and constructed wetlands.
- Treatment process such as composting and co-composting, and compost pelletization.
As composts can be bulky and cumbersome to transport, store and apply, IWMI is pelletizing the compost. This is not only reducing the volume of the product and improving compost handling, but also allows to blend (enrich) the pellets with additional nutrients the specific crop or soil needs. This tailor-made organic-mineral fertilizer is one of the innovations IWMI’s RRR team offers and for which it is testing the market and different business models in various countries. As the excreta pellets recover up to half of the nutrients in fecal sludge collected from on-site sanitation systems, the solution is strongly promoting nutrient cycling.

This document is part of a series published by IMWI on resource recovery and reuse.


reuse of sewage sludge (CI) (DT) (ET)


CGIAR - Challenge Program on Water and Food - Colombo - Sri Lanka

IWMI - International Water Management Institute - Colombo - Sri Lanka

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