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Shared latrines in Maputo, Mozambique: exploring emotional well-being and psychosocial stress

position paper Jul 2018 ; 12 pages
Aut. Bacelar Muneme & Joe Brown & Oliver Cumming & Robert Dreibelbis & Rassul Nala & Tess Shiras
Ed. BMC - London
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Approximately 18% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s urban population relies on shared sanitation facilities, which are shared by one or more households. While there is growing recognition of sanitation’s relationship with stress and well-being – particularly among women – most research has focused on rural populations and the transition from open defecation and/or unimproved latrines to private shared sanitation. This study explores sanitation-related stressors among users of both improved and unimproved shared sanitation facilities.
Our data suggest that “improved”, shared facilities can reduce stress when proper maintenance and management systems are in place. Private, shared sanitation only had limited impact on users’ perceptions of safety, particularly at night, suggesting that safety concerns extend beyond the physical latrine structure. Our research demonstrates that factors including latrine location and neighborhood violence are important determinants of safety perceptions and corresponding psychosocial stress.


latrine, toilet (CI) (DT) (ET)


Mozambique (CI) (DT) (ET)


BMC - BMC International Health and Human Rights - London - United Kingdom

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