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Harnessing water point data to improve drinking water services

report Jul 2017 ; 23 pages
Aut. Nicolas Dickinson & Felix Knipschild & Peter Magara & Gerald Kwizera
IRC - Kampala WASHNote - Rotterdam
Downloadable format: PdF (6 560 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
This White Paper from WASHNote and IRC Uganda builds on a) more than 30 cases from government, development partners and the private sector; b) the experiences of users of the Water Point Data Exchange; c) interviews with leaders in the space of water point monitoring; and d) action research in Uganda, a country leading in the use and publication of water point data.

The document introduces what water point data are, why they are collected, and how they are used in “The Value of Water Point Data”. The chapter “A Deep Dive: The Case of Uganda” illustrates the use and progressive improvement of water point data in a country that is actively updating and publishing its National Water Atlas. “From Water Point Data to Improved Water Services” provides an overview of how water point data can be used more effectively to measure services and water resources, strengthen the enabling environment, and improve coordination. It also reviews some innovative approaches under development, such as the remote monitoring of water points. Finally, “Recommendations” provides actionable guidance to a) national governments, b) local governments, c) NGOs and implementers, and d) donors and investors.


drinking water (CI) (DT) (ET) , technology (CI) (DT) (ET)


Uganda (CI) (DT) (ET)


IRC - International Water and Sanitation Centre - Kampala - Uganda

WASHNote - Rotterdam - Netherlands

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