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The Handbook on Water Information Systems. Administration, Processing and Exploitation of Water-Related Data

textbook Mar 2018 ; 112 pages
Aut. Paul Haener
Ed. RIOB - Paris
Downloadable format: PdF (31 960 ko)
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Editor Presentation
This document underlines why water data management is so important for efficient water resource management and introduces the main processes to be considered when implementing a Water Information System (WIS), including data governance; data production; integrated data management and data sharing between institutions; data processing and information production; and information dissemination.
It also presents a picture of the main challenges with some case studies showing how information systems are implemented to meet needs in various water sector management domains, such as: IWRM water planning, climate change adaptation, flood management, drought forecasting, water resources and ecosystem protection, sectoral water use management (agriculture, drinking water, energy production, transport, industry, fishing, etc.), data for reporting, and transboundary water resources management.
This handbook is addressed to water-sector decision-makers and to those interested in developing their capacities for producing, accessing, processing and making good use of the water-related data and information necessary for implementing an Integrated Water Resources Management policy at basin, national, transboundary or regional level.
1 Introduction
2 Challenges and importance of good water data management
3 Main components/processes related to water data management
4 Main domains of application
5 Conclusions and perspectives


information-education-communication (CI) (DT) (ET)


RIOB - Réseau International des Organismes de Bassin - Paris

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