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Training Manual on Good Water, Sanitation and Environmental Hygiene Practices for Primary Schools

educational material , textbook Jul 2008 ; 84 pages
Ed. Unicef - Male
Downloadable format: PdF (5 290 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
This training manual is a practical guide to be used by teachers and school health assistants who are involved in the promotion of water, sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH).
This manual has been designed with twin objectives:
• To raise knowledge and awareness of good water, sanitation and hygiene practices with teachers and school health assistants; and
• To provide participatory tools, techniques and materials for teachers and school health assistants to promote improved water, sanitation and hygiene practices amongst students.
1. Introduction 3
Who can use this manual? 3
Objectives 3
How to use this manual 4
Toolbox content 4
2. Background 5
School health promotion in the Maldives 6
Existing WASH situation in Maldivian schools 6
3. Participatory Principles and Techniques 7
Participatory Techniques 8
a. Learning by doing 8
b. Student team learning 9
c. The Inquiry learning Process 10
d. Story telling 13
e. Community problem solving 14
4. Participatory Activities and Tools: Personal Hygeine and Sanitation 16
Introduction 16
Learning Objectives 16
Overview of Topics 16
4.1Topic: Germs, germs everywhere 17
4.2Topic: Washing hands 19
4.3Topic: Personal hygiene 22
4.4Topic: Hygiene and Sanitation 25
4.5Topic: International year of sanitation 2008 30
5. Participatory Activities and Tools: Water 34
Introduction 34
Learning Objectives 34
Overview of Topics 34
5.1 Topic: Why is water important? 35
5.2 Topic: Water sources on my island 38
5.3 Topic: Well water contamination 42
5.4 Topic: Rainwater contamination 47
5.5 Topic: Water contamination by faeces 51
5.6 Topic: Water collection methods, storage and handling 57
5.7 Topic: Water treatment 62
5.8 Topic: Water use and reuse in the home 64
6. Participatory Activities and Tools: Environmental Hygiene 70
Introduction 70
Learning Objectives 70
Overview of Topics 70
6.1 Topic: Cleanliness of foot paths, play area and roads 71
6.2 Topic: Good waste management 73
6.3 Topic: Good Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices 75
7. Ongoing Monitoring 76
References 79
Website Resources 79
Glossary 80


hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , school (CI) (DT) (ET)


Maldives (CI) (DT) (ET)


Unicef - Male - Maldives

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