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WaSH Policy Research Digest #5 : Water tariffs and subsidies

Detailed Review of a Recent Publication: Increasing block tariffs perform poorly at targeting subsidies to the poor
position paper coll. WaSH Policy Research Digest n° 5 Dec 2016 ; 4 pages
Ed. UNC The Water Institute - Chapel hill
Downloadable format: PdF (200 ko)
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Editor Presentation
Cette 5ème édition du UNC Digest met l’accent sur le subventionnement ciblé, en particulier sur les mauvaises performances de la tarification par blocs pour le subventionnement des ménages à faibles revenus. Cette édition explore les paramètres institutionnels en s’appuyant sur différentes ressources bibliographiques récentes.
The fifth issue of the UNC Digest focuses on subsidy targeting, specifically the poor performance of increasing block tariffs in targeting subsidies to low-income households. This issue explores recent literature on this topic, focusing on policy implications, and calls for decision-makers to consider alternative subsidy delivery mechanisms.

Target Audiences:

Cooperation actors , Local and national decision makers


access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , costs, tariffs (CI) (DT) (ET) , poverty (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNC The Water Institute - Chapel hill - Usa

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