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WaSH Policy Research Digest #3: Handpump Functionality Monitoring

Detailed Review of a Recent Publication: Getting handpump functionality monitoring right can help ensure rural water supply sustainability
article coll. WaSH Policy Research Digest n° 3 Mar 2016 ; 4 pages
Ed. UNC The Water Institute - Chapel hill
Downloadable format: PdF (100 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Ce document propose le résumé de l'article scientifique "Beyond 'functionality' of handump-supplied rural water services in developing countries" de Richard Carter et Ian Ross (Waterlines, Vol 35 n°1). Ce Research Digest propose également une courte revue de la littérature parue sur le suivi du fonctionnement des pompes manuelles.
The third issue of the WaSH Policy Research Digest focuses on handpump functionality monitoring. This issue of the Digest explores recent literature on this topic, focusing on policy implications, recommendations, and a call for standardized functionality measurements.

Target Audiences:

University , Cooperation actors


maintenance (CI) (DT) (ET) , pump (CI) (DT) (ET) , water collection systems (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNC The Water Institute - Chapel hill - Usa

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