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Municipal Solid Waste Management Manual - Part I: An Overview

position paper Jan 2016 ; 96 pages
Ed. GIZ - New Delhi MoUD - New Delhi
Downloadable format: PdF (5 800 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
   Part II: The manual    Part III: The Compendium Abstract:
The manual has the following structure and addresses different target groups in its different sections:
Part I:
An overview,provides the salient features of the MSWM Manual especially for decision makers, elected office bearers, and senior bureaucrats at different levels of governance. It provides decision makers with an overview on key issues of MSWM and promotes understanding of challenges and opportunities, thereby guiding them in initiating necessary processes to achieve goals.
Part II:
The Manual, this is the main body of the manual and is primarily for the financial and technical heads of department at ULB level, health officers, technical staff, and private operators. This section provides a detailed description of technologies for treatment and processing of waste, applicability of evolving technologies, and planning frameworks to undertake concrete measures toward institutional strengthening and financial management leading to sustainable MSWM.
Part III: The Compendium, this comprises of national rules and guidelines, international practices on waste minimisation, detailed description and designs of compost plants and landfill. A sample state strategy on integrated municipal solid waste management from former Andhra Pradesh is also included. Part III of the manual is primarily for the operational staff, private operators, experts and training institutes, who need to understand in detail the different rules and design specifications for taking the informed decisions or for guidance.


solid waste (CI) (DT) (ET)


GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - New Delhi - India

MoUD - Ministry of Urban Development - New Delhi - India

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