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Cambodian children sing for health

film video internet Jan 2015 ; Durée: 1 min. , (s.t. )
Ed. BBC - London
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As part of a larger maternal and child health and HIV project, a TV advert encouraged children to wash their hands to improve hygiene.
The TV advert was set at playtime, with a group of young children playing a game of rock, paper, scissors. Another child asks to join in. But he's not allowed. The children's singing reveals they're worried he might spread disease because his hands are dirty. "So dirty!" they sing.
Diarrhoea, which can sometimes be prevented by hand washing, is one of the leading causes of death in under-fives in Cambodia.
The song's message is loud and clear: wash your hands with soap or ash after going to the toilet or before eating.


Cycle 2 (5-7 ans) , Cycle 3 (8-10 ans)

Mot clef:

lavage des mains, savon (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Cambodge (CI) (DT) (OP)


BBC - BBC - London - Royaume Uni

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