Defining Community Vulnerabilities in Lebanon | |||||||||
rapport Sep 2015 ; 136 pages Ed. REACH - Châteleine UNICEF - New York Téléchargeable chez l'éditeur Page de présentation d'un éditeur Abstract: This assessment adopts a broad understanding of vulnerability, encompassing the three pillars used to conceptualise vulnerability in the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan: human, geographic, and systemic vulnerability. Building on this, this report focuses on four dimensions when conceptualising and understanding community-level vulnerabilities in Lebanon in the context of the Syria Crisis: i) demographic pressure; ii) poverty and deprivation; iii) access to basic services; and iv) social stability. In terms of displacement and internal migration patterns, both displaced and host respondents report the importance of social connections or networks in places of settlement as well as increased access to employment opportunities and safety and security concerns. Again, both population groups agree on conceptualizing poverty and deprivation primarily in financial terms. In addition, displaced respondents cited access to secure essential commodities (such as food and non-food items) as important factors in determining vulnerability. In terms of basic service delivery and infrastructure in the most vulnerable communities across Lebanon, both population groups reported difficulties in accessing shelter, WASH, education and health services. Many of the challenges were of a financial nature. However, other trends highlight structural challenges predating the Syria Crisis, such as the distance to closest health centres and frequent water shortages or unpredictable delivery schedules. These structural challenges are self-evident when findings are analysed through a regional lens. Overall, the majority of displaced respondents were still unable to secure their life-saving needs while host community respondents were facing challenges to access medium or longer term needs and had seen their communities become less resilient over time.
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