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Water Governance in the Arab Region

Managing Scarcity and Securing the Future
report Nov 2013 ; 182 pages
Ed. UNDP - New York ; Isbn: 978-92-1-126366-4
Downloadable format: PdF (9 920 ko)
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Editor Presentation
Water challenges can and must be addressed if the Arab region is to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, attain shared prosperity, and reach a future of sustainable human development. Addressing water challenges now can also help strengthen resilience by managing the risk of potential crises that could result from inaction: such as unplanned migration, economic collapse, or regional conflict.
Resolving the crisis will require enduring progress towards political, social, economic and administrative systems that shape the use, development and management of water resources and water delivery in a more effective, strategic, sustainable and equitable direction.
The report provides the Arab countries and the international community, donors, and other stakeholders with an extensive understanding of the water situation in the region. In laying out the building blocks of good water governance needed to manage increasing water scarcity, it seeks to strengthen dialogue, raise awareness, and advance progress towards water-related development goals across the region.


management practices / governance (CI) (DT) (ET) , Mediterranean (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNDP - United Nations Development Programme - New York - Usa

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