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Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy 2012-2020: institutional document (Volume 1)

Stratégie pour le développement durable des Seychelles 2012-2020
report Dec 2012 ; 50 pages
Ed. COI - Ebène EurEau - Bruxelles GEF - Washington PNUD - New York
Downloadable format: PdF (4 560 ko)
   detailed action plan (Volume 2) Résumé:
Ce document de planification propose la politique de développement durable que le Gouvernement des Seychelles souhaitent mettre en place afin de lutter contre les effets du changement climatique et poursuivre en même le temps le développement du pays.
The Sustainable Development Strategy of Seychelles is composed of an institutional document (Volume 1) and a detailed action plan (Volume 2). The detailed action plan brings together the thirteen thematic areas identified to implement the strategy. The estimated cost of implementing the action plan is 704 million USD. The figures are based upon estimates which do not take into account inflation or changes in economic growth which may impact on government revenue and global economic trends over the period 2012-2020.
1 Introduction.6
2 Background to the SSDS 2012-2020.8
3 The Seychelles 2020 Sustainable Development Vision.9
4 2020 Seychelles Sustainable Development Outlook.10
5 Addressing the Challenges of Sustainable Development.13
6 Principles of Sustainable Development.15
7 Assessment of Progress in Sustainability Development.17
8 Mainstreaming Sustainable Development in Seychelles.18
9 Critical Success Factors.19
10 Overview of the Policy and Institutional Setting.20
11 Institutional Framework for SSDS 2012-2020.22
12 Stakeholder Involvement Strategy.26
13 Resource Mobilisation Strategy.28
14 Knowledge Management.31

Target Audiences:

Association , Local and national decision makers


development (CI) (DT) (ET) , institutionnal aspects (CI) (DT) (ET) , sustainable development (CI) (DT) (ET)


Seychelles (CI) (DT) (ET)


COI - Commission de l'Océan Indien - Ebène - Mauritius

EurEau - European Federation of National Associations of Water Services - Bruxelles - Belgium

GEF - Global Environment Facility - Washington - Usa

PNUD - Programme des Nations unies pour le Développement - New York - Usa

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