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Urban Wastewater and Agricultural Reuse Challenges in India

report coll. Research Report n° 147 Jan 2013 ; 40 pages
Aut. Priyanie Amerasinghe & Rajendra Mohan Bhardwaj & Kiran Jella & Fiona Marshall & Christopher A. Scott
Ed. IWMI - Colombo ; Isbn: 978-92-9090-765-7
Downloadable format: PdF (2 690 ko)
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Editor Presentation
More than 1 million hectares of urban land in India could be irrigated for crops if wastewater was made safe for use. Lack of systematic data collection by municipalities makes it difficult to accurately assess the wastewater generation or estimate the total amount of urban area under wastewater irrigation, so the potential of urban and peri-urban farming could be even greater. This study attempted to analyze the current status of wastewater generation, its uses and livelihood benefits especially in agriculture, based on national data and case studies from Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kanpur and Kolkata.
Specifically, the objective is to provide estimates of wastewater generation and treatment, synthesise existing data on agricultural use of wastewater, and assess the related benefits and economic value, as well as the potentially adverse environmental and human health impacts.


wastewater reuse (CI) (DT) (ET)


IWMI - International Water Management Institute - Colombo - Sri Lanka

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