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Inclure la promotion à l'hygiène dans les programmes EHA

Managing hygiene promotion in WASH programmes
report coll. WEDC Booklets n° 13 Jun 2014 ; 28 pages ,
Aut. Brian Reed
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough ; Isbn: 978 1 84380 168 9
Downloadable format: PdF PdF (5 250 ko)
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Editor Presentation
Une promotion de l’hygiène efficace est perçue largement comme l’un des outils les plus importants pour changer les comportements des personnes, et en retour les protéger des maladies diarrhéiques. C’est aussi une façon utile d’encourager la participation et de responsabiliser les communautés.
Managers of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programmes normally acknowledge that people need to behave in a hygienic manner to protect water supplies and ensure that sanitation facilities are used properly.
However, promoting hygienic behaviour differs from the construction of infrastructure, with indicators of progress being less concrete. This means campaigns need to be planned and carried out in a suitable manner.
Contexte ........................................................................1
Qu’est-ce que l’hygiène ? ..............................................1
Principes de la promotion de l’hygiène..........................4
Planifier un programme de promotion de l’hygiène 9
Outils participatifs ........................................................14
Analyse des données ..................................................17
Promotion de l’hygiène et de l’assainissement ...........22
Choisir et former les animateurs .................................23
Suivi et évaluation........................................................24
What is hygiene?
Principles of hygiene promotion
Planning a hygiene promotion programme
Participatory tools
Analysis of the data
Implementation of the action plan
Methods of hygiene and sanitation promotion
Selecting and training facilitators
Monitoring and evaluation


extension (CI) (DT) (ET) , hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


WEDC - Water, Engineering and Development Centre - Loughborough - United Kingdom

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