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Towards Sustainable Total Sanitation, Key Findings from the Workshop, Cotonou November 2013

rapport Feb 2014 ; 8 pages
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (1 220 ko)
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The implementation of sanitation and hygiene programmes, let alone the setup of effective rural sanitation services in West-Africa are facing tremendous challenges, as low coverage rates clearly indicate.
Given these circumstances, IRC with its collaborating partners have decided to have a workshop to discuss the successes and challenges faced in implementing current sanitation and hygiene programmes, and reflected on ways of moving towards more sustainable sanitation. Practitioners from both Francophone and Anglophone countries have been brought together to share experiences, challenges, innovations, and ways forwards in a three-day workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation” held in Benin in November 2013.
This brochure summarises the key findings agreed upon by the workshop participants with the objective of further sharing and engaging with the sector to set the ground for rural sanitation services that work. The findings are presented in four categories, covering the four conditions to trigger a service, namely
- strengthening the enabling environment,
- demand creation and advocacy to change behaviour,
- strengthening the supply chain
- and appropriate incentives and financial arrangements.

Mot clef:

ATPC Assainissement Total Piloté par la Communauté (CI) (DT) (OP)


IRC - Den Haag - Pays Bas

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