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Islam and Water: The Hajar (r.a.) Story and Guide

cartoon Jan 2011 ; Duration: 4 min.
Ed. ARC - Bath Global One 2015 - London
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
This little video aimed at young families which tells the story of Hajjar and explains why we need to conserve water in clear and accessible terms. The guide also puts forward some practical suggestions to help Muslim families save water. These include recycling water, having shorter showers, using tap water rather than bottled water and also performing the wudhu (ablution before prayers) using water from a small bucket rather than allowing the water tap to run.

Target Audience:

aged 8-10 years


rites and cultures (CI) (DT) (ET)


ARC - Alliance of Religions and Conservation - Bath - United Kingdom

Global One 2015 - London - United Kingdom

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