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Water Communication

Analysis of Strategies and Campaigns from the Water Sector
book Apr 2014 ; 232 pages ; indicative price: 120€
Aut. Céline Hervé-Bazin
Ed. IWA - London ; Isbn: 9781780405216
Editor Presentation
other Editor Presentation
Water Communication est dédié aux campagnes de communication sur l'eau, les particularités des codes de communication, l'histoire, les langages et identités visuelles sur l'eau.
Water Communication aims at setting a first general outlook at what communication on water means, who communicates and on what topics. Through different examples and based on different research and contributions, this book presents an original first overview of “water communication”. It sets its academic value as one distinct scientific domain and provides tips and practical tools to professionals. The book contributes to avoid mixing messages, targets and discourses when setting communication related to water issues.
The book facilitates coordination within the water sector and its organizations as water is a wide field of applications where inadequate words and language understanding between its stakeholders is one of the main obstacles today.
L’histoire de la communication sur l’eau
La définition et champs d’étude de la communication sur l’eau ainsi que ses domaines de recherche
La présentation du langage de l’eau : épistémologie, identité visuelle, slogan et iconographie
La présentation des acteurs communiquant sur l’eau
L’analyse des discours et campagnes de communication sur l’eau à différentes échelles selon différents publics et enjeux de gestion des ressources en eau
Overview of water management from a communication perspective;
History of the water discourse;
From sustainable development to local water resources; Words with water;
What is Water communication? ;
Who? Water messengers;
Targeting water: from information to communication and mediation;
Where are the users or ... Who are the users?;
Examples of communication campaigns; Recommendations


awareness raising (CI) (DT) (ET) , extension (CI) (DT) (ET) , rites and cultures (CI) (DT) (ET)


IWA - International Water Association - London - United Kingdom

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