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Complementing water supply through rainwater harvesting in some selected villages of Sahel savannah ecological zone in Borno state Northeastern Nigeria

position paper Feb 2013 ; 8 pages
Ed. University of Technology - Yola
Downloadable from the publisher
Cette étude, menée dans deux communautés rurales du Nigeria, a mesuré les volumes d’eau consommés par habitant, identifié les sources d’eau mobilisées, et estimé les volumes d’eau de pluie pouvant être collectés au niveau des ménages.
This study, conducted in two rural communities in Nigeria, determined water consumption per capita, identified the water sources used and estimated the amount of rainwater that could be harvested by households in the villages.


rainwater harvesting (CI) (DT) (ET) , rural (CI) (DT) (ET)


University of Technology - Yola - Nigeria

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