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The Sewer Men of Mumbai

video streaming Jul 2006 ; Duration: 7 min.
Ed. Vocativ - New York
Downloadable format: Video flv (128 640 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Every day Mumbai produces enough sewage to fill 4,500 Olympic-size swimming pools. Despite the many modern comforts of Mumbai, the sewer system is outdated and is still cleaned by hand. At least once a year the manhole covers are removed and a worker is lowered down with only a helmet for protection. The worker then scoops out the sludge consisting of both human and industrial waste that has been collecting in the pipes. It is not uncommon for Indian sewer workers to become ill or die from the toxic fumes. Indian Parliament recently passed a law in an effort to improve these poor working conditions, but many are doubtful that the new measures will make a difference.
Here is the story of the sewer men of Mumbai.

Target Audiences:

aged 5-7 years , aged 8-10 years


occupation - profession (CI) (DT) (ET) , safety of persons (CI) (DT) (ET) , sewerage (CI) (DT) (ET)


India (CI) (DT) (ET)


Vocativ - New York - Usa

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