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Household Water and Sanitation Solutions

educational material Apr 2013 ; 36 pages
Ed. Aguayuda - Easton
Downloadable format: PdF (1 060 ko)
A. Household Water Filters
1. SkyBoxTM 4
2. LifeStraw® Family Filter 6
3. LifeStraw® Filter 8
4. Biosand Filter 10
5. Ceramic Water Filter 12
6. LIFESAVER® jerrycan 14
B. Other Household Water Solutions
1. Rain Harvesting 16
2. SODIS 18
3. Chlorine 20
4. PUR 22
5. Purikit 24
6. Puriclar 26
C. Household Sanitation Solutions
1. Composting Latrine - Double Chamber 28
2. Composting Latrine - Loveable Loo 30
3. Biodigester 32
4. Constructed Wetland 34


latrine, toilet (CI) (DT) (ET) , potabilisation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Aguayuda - Easton - Usa

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