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Landscape Analysis and Business Model Assessment in Fecal Sludge Management: Extraction and Transportation Models in Africa - Kenya

VOLUME I OF II - Main Report
rapport Dec 2011 ; 272 pages
Ed. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Seattle Losai Management Limited - Nairobi
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As per the BMGates criteria for selection of the 3 local case study sites (cities), the Kenya Study Team selected Nairobi – the capital and the largest city - in the center; Mombasa and the second largest city - at the coast, in the east; and Kisumu – the third largest city - by the lakeside, in the west. The 3 cities each have sludge treatment plants and official dumping sites.

Across the three cities FSM policy is generally lacking and as a consequence, the present framework of guiding private sector stakeholders does not lend itself to developing a sustainable industry. A number of areas are in need of public policy intervention

Mot clef:

boues (gestion des ) (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Kenya (CI) (DT) (OP)


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Seattle - Etats Unis

Losai Management Limited - Nairobi - Kenya

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